Announcement: 10 Years of Podcasting

Announcement: 10 Years of Podcasting

10 Years of Podcasting

Marking a decade since I first started doing this.



Hi everyone. Today is April 9, 2024, and it’s a special day in the life of this podcast. Exactly 10 years ago today, I published the first episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Podcast, thus launching my foray into podcasting. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has listened to the podcast, told other people about the podcast, and generously supported the podcast financially.

Podcasting as a medium has undergone huge changes in the last decade, but the thing that has always appealed the most to me about it is the relationship between podcaster and audience. I got into podcasting when it was primarily a lot of do-it-yourselfers figuring things out as they went, and investing a lot of time and energy into their podcasts because it was a way to share something that they love with others who are also interested in those topics. That was the primary reason I tried my hand at podcasting, and it remains my driving motivation to keep doing this. I’m really glad that I have never aspired for my podcast to be anything more than a passion project, because it means that passion is always front and center in my work. 

Speaking of passion, I have been so fortunate for the show to have found such a passionate audience, and I still love reading emails from those of you who have written to let me know that my podcast helped you discover these classic Chinese tales for the first time, or reconnect with stories that you loved growing up, or share something you enjoy with your loved ones. Those messages really make my day.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so, so much! And here’s to the next 10 years. Take care!

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