Gods 075: Flagging Fortunes

Gods 075: Flagging Fortunes

Gods 075: Flagging Fortunes

The Shang forces at Lintong Pass were holding their own thanks to a macabre banner, but then the worst possible thing happened — their king sent reinforcements.



Welcome to the Chinese Lore Podcast, where I retell classic Chinese stories in English. This is episode 75 of Investiture of the Gods.

Last time, Jiang Ziya and company were attacking Lintong (2,2) Pass, the last of the five major checkpoints on their way into Shang territory proper. They killed one of the officers in the pass, but that guy’s son, Bian (4) Ji (2), used a magical banner made of human bones to capture Nangong Kuo, Flying Tiger, and Thunderbolt. But then, he drew the ire of lotus boy Nezha, who turned into his eight-armed, three-headed self and attacked.

The sight of Nezha’s powered up form stunned Bian Ji. Before they had exchanged many blows, Nezha hurled his Universal Ring. It struck Bian Ji and nearly knocked him off his horse, sending him fleeing back inside the pass.

Nezha’s father, Li (3) Jing (4), now charged toward the Shang commander, Ouyang (1,2) Chun (2). One of Ouyang Chun’s lieutenants came out to fight him, but before long, Li Jing ran his halberd through the guy and killed him. 

Ouyang Chun was incensed and rode forth to take on Li Jing. Jiang Ziya ordered his soldiers to beat the war drums to cheer on Li Jing. Meanwhile, a swarm of Zhou officers charged out and enveloped Ouyang Chun. He was of course no match for this. Soon, he was disheveled and soaked through with sweat. Figuring he couldn’t last much longer, he galloped away, retreated into the pass, and shut the gates behind him.

Despite this victory, however, Jiang Ziya was extremely unhappy about having Thunderbolt captured by the enemy. Inside the pass, Ouyang Chun told Bian Ji to go rest up from his injury. Meanwhile, he had Thunderbolt locked up with the other two prisoners and then dispatched an urgent report to the capital.

The message made its way to the capital and into the hands of King Zhou’s brother and senior official Wei (1) Zi (3). Wei Zi was shocked at the news, although I don’t know why, because pretty much the only kind of news that makes its way to the capital from the borders has been bad news. Anyway, Wei Zi rushed to the Deer Terrace to see the king, who was in the midst of partying with his three literal she-demons. 

Wei Zi went up and told him, “Jiang Ziya has rebelled, elevated Ji Fa to king, mobilized a treasonous army, is convening with the nobles, disturbing the peace, and invading our territory. Four of the five border passes have fallen, and his army is now at Lintong Pass. He has been killing our soldiers and officers and running rampant. This is a calamity. The commander of Lintong Pass has sent an urgent report. I beg your highness to prioritize your enterprise, tend to court matters personally, and act quickly!”

King Zhou read the report and was similarly shocked for reasons beyond me. He quickly called court into session for the first time in more than a year. All the officials were like, what? But they rushed to the palace and paid their respects. King Zhou then told them the news from the borders, and one of his senior officials stepped forth and said, “Your servant has heard it said that the lord is the head and his officials are his arms. Your highness has typically neglected the affairs of state, listened to the wicked, shunned the loyal, occupied yourself with women and wine, and allowed affairs at court to go unattended. That has caused trouble for the realm and its people. The commoners are threatened, all under heaven are considering rebellion, and the land is fractured. It’s too late now. It’s not that there aren’t talented men in the capital. It’s just that you have never prioritized loyal men, so now they don’t prioritize you either. The four grand dukes are attacking you on all four sides. When a building is about to collapse, how can a single column hold it up? Today I’m risking my life to reproach you honestly, hoping that you will change your ways to stave off calamity. If you will listen to my advice, then I will nominate two officials who can go to Lintong Pass and stop the Zhou army for the time being. I hope your highness will start cultivating your virtue, ignore the wicked and listen to the loyal. Then maybe you can convince heaven to change its mind and preserve your house.”

Now, this was a pretty gutsy speech, considering how many guys had met gruesome ends for saying less. But times must be desperate, because King Zhou skipped right past the burning columns or eye-gouging and just asked who this senior official wanted to nominate.

“Of all the officials at court, only Deng (4) Kun (1) and Rui (4) Ji (2) are loyal and capable,” the senior official said. “If you can send them on this mission, then all will be fine.”

King Zhou agreed and summoned the two recommended men. Soon, they arrived and paid their respects. King Zhou told them that hey guess what, one of your colleagues has nominated you for a thankless, impossible task, and I have the utmost confidence in you. So what do you say?

Deng Kun and Rui Ji kowtowed and said, “How can we dare to not do our utmost to repay your highness’ kindness?”

So King Zhou threw them a going-away party, where all the officials toasted them. Two brothers of the king, Wei Zi and Ji (1) Zi (3) joined in the toasting and said while choking up, “Generals, the safety of the dynasty rests on your mission. It’s the country’s good fortune to have your support.”

“My lords, don’t worry,” the two officials said. “We have always been loyal and honorable, and today is our opportunity to repay the country. How would we dare to disappoint his highness or all the officials?”

After the party, Deng Kun and Rui Ji bid everyone goodbye and set out the next day at the head of an army, heading toward Lintong Pass.

Meanwhile, back at Lintong Pass, the earth-traveling specialist Tuxing Sun arrived in the Zhou camp with the latest shipment of provisions. He noticed the banner of bones. On the ground beneath it were two of his comrades’ weapons, Wei Hu’s Demon-Taming Club and Thunderbolt’s golden staff. Curious, Tuxing Sun went to report in and asked Jiang Ziya what was up. Jiang Ziya brought him up to speed on the trouble they’ve been having with Bian (4) Ji (2), but Tuxing Sun refused to believe it.

Nezha then told him, “Bian Ji took a blow from my Universal Ring and hasn’t come out the last the few days.”

“Let me go check it out,” Tuxing Sun said.

“You can’t go; that banner is too dangerous,” Nezha cautioned.

But Tuxing Sun was determined to be foolish, so that evening, he stepped out of camp and headed toward the banner. And sure enough, no sooner had he set foot underneath it did he fall to the ground unconscious. 

When Jiang Ziya got word of this, he was shocked and had no idea how to rescue Tuxing Sun. Meanwhile, soldiers atop the walls of the pass saw this and reported to their commander Ouyang Chun. Ouyang Chun ordered his men to go apprehend the latest victim. But he had no idea that the only people who could go near that banner were Bian Ji’s own bodyguards. So these few clueless soldiers walked out, and as soon as they went near the flag, they too fell unconscious to the ground.

Ouyang Chun was stunned and immediately summoned Bian Ji, who was at home recovering from his injury. When Bian Ji got the summon, he had no choice but to go see his commander. He told Ouyang Chun, “This is no big deal.” He then told his bodyguard, “Go capture that dwarf and free the others.”

So the bodyguards went out, tied up Tuxing Sun, and dragged their own soldiers away from the banner. Only then did everyone start to wake up. Moments later, they brought Tuxing Sun in front of Ouyang Chun.

“Who are you?” Ouyang Chun asked.

“I saw a golden staff under that banner, and I wanted to play with it,” Tuxing Sun answered. “But somehow I fell asleep.”

Bian Ji was standing to the side and cursed, “You scoundrel! How dare you mock me?!”

He then barked for the guards to take Tuxing Sun outside for execution. But just like so many times before, just as they were preparing to cut off his head, Tuxing Sun gave his body a twist and disappeared into the earth. When Ouyang Chun and Bian Ji heard about this, they figured that must have been Tuxing Sun.

Meanwhile, Tuxing Sun returned to camp and checked in with Jiang Ziya, telling him that yeah that banner is just as powerful as you said it was. Who knew? Anyway, the next day, Bian Ji had recovered from his injury, and he now came out with his bodyguards and challenged for battle again. Nezha again went out to face him. When he saw the enemy who had wounded him before, Bian Ji didn’t even bother trading words and just attacked. Nezha countered, and they engaged in a dogged fight.

After a while, Bian Ji decided to use his own magic before Nezha used his. So he turned and rode toward his banner. Now, given what we’ve seen, Nezha was impervious to these magical weapons that render people unconscious. But Nezha was also cautious and didn’t want to take the chance, so he just let Bian Ji ride away while he himself returned to camp. With his opponent not falling for his trick, Bian Ji returned to the pass.

Just as Bian Ji and Ouyang Chun were discussing what their next move should be, they got word that reinforcements had arrived under the command of Deng Kun and Rui Ji. They welcomed their comrades, and after trading greetings and sitting down, Deng Kun said, “His highness read your urgent dispatch and ordered the two of us to come help you defend this pass. Jiang Ziya is running rampant. Lintong Pass is not like other places. It’s crucial to the defense of the capital. We must guard it with a large force and keep it safe. How have your battles with the enemy gone?”

Ouyang Chun told them, “In the first battle, my lieutenant Bian Jinlong (1,2) was killed, but fortunately his son Bian Ji has a magical Soul Scattering White Bone Banner. Thanks to that banner, we have stopped the enemy and captured Nangong Kuo, Flying Tiger, Huang Ming, and Thunderbolt.

“Wait, the Flying Tiger who rebelled and broke through the five passes?” Deng Kun asked.

“Exactly,” Ouyang Chun confirmed.

Deng Kun chuckled, “Well, looks like you have rendered a great service to the state!” 

Ouyang Chun thanked him profusely, but unbeknownst to him and everyone else present, Deng Kun was Flying Tiger’s brother-in-law … and you can guess where this was going.

After the welcome banquet, Deng Kun returned to his quarters and thought to himself, “How should I rescue Flying Tiger? All the nobles of the land have pledged themselves to the Zhou. This pass will fall sooner or later; how can it stop the Zhou army? Why don’t I submit as well? But what does Rui Ji think? Let me go face the Zhou on the battlefield tomorrow and proceed as the situation dictates.”

So the next day, the two generals went to see Ouyang Chun, and Rui Ji asked for permission to go fight the enemy. Ouyang Chun agreed, so Deng Kun and Rui Ji rode out. They saw the tall white bone banner blocking the main path. Bian Ji, who had accompanied them, told them that they must go around to the left, never directly underneath. They did as he advised and made their way to the Zhou camp and demanded to speak with Jiang Ziya and the Martial King Ji Fa.

When this was reported to Jiang Ziya, he said, “If they’re asking to speaking with the Martial King, they must have some deeper intentions.”

So he quickly invited Ji Fa to accompany him to the front lines. They rode out with their impressive army. Deng Kun and Rui Ji shouted, “Are you the Martial King and Jiang Ziya?”

“Yes, and who are you two gentlemen?” Jiang Ziya replied.

Deng Kun introduced himself and Rui Ji, and then said, “Jiang Ziya, instead of governing your own state with honor and humanity, you have declared your own king, risen up in rebellion, resisted the heavenly army, and killed the court’s officers and soldiers. That is already unpardonable. And now, you are recklessly encroaching on our borders and further insulting your lord. What are your intentions?! Don’t you know that all under heaven are servants to the king?!”

Rui Ji then pointed at the Martial King and said, “Your father was so virtuous that even though he was imprisoned by the king for seven years, he never uttered a word of complaint and behaved as a vassal should. That led the king to take pity and release him back to his home state, while giving him a promotion. What immense kindness was that? You all should be repaying the king generation after generation. Yet now, so soon after your father’s death, you have listened to Jiang Ziya’s wicked advice and stirred up trouble for no reason, leading an unjust campaign and committing a grievous offense. You are seeking the destruction of your clan. You will regret it! Listen to me and retreat back to your own territory right now. Apprehend the traitors and deliver them to the capital while you await your own punishment. You may yet be spared. Otherwise, if his highness gets really angry and personally leads his army against you, then you all will be dead for sure.”

Well, you can imagine how well that was going to be received. Jiang Ziya chuckled and replied, “My lords, your words are not relevant to the present. As the old saying goes, ‘Heaven’s favor is unpredictable, but it falls on those who are virtuous.’ Right now, King Zhou is a brutal tyrant. He has executed ministers, killed his wife, and abandoned his children. He has allowed his enterprise to lay fallow and his ancestral temples to stand neglected. He has harmed the people and all the innocents. His crimes are immense. He has drawn heaven’s wrath, and heaven has commanded us to act on its behalf. That is why all the nobles of the land have submitted to the Zhou and are convening with us at Mengjin (4,1) to set the governance of the Shang back on the proper path. Yet you two remain misguided and insist on waging a battle of words. In my view, you are like guests that don’t know who your host is. You should surrender at once and abandon the darkness for the light, so that you won’t miss out on receiving titles. Think about it.”

Deng Kun was furious at those words and commanded Bian Ji to go apprehend Jiang Ziya. Bian Ji dashed out, and a scrum soon ensued. In the midst of the fighting, Nezha powered up and showed his extra heads and arms, scaring Deng Kun out of his mind. Deng Kun quickly fled and commanded his men to fall back.

Once back inside the pass, Deng Kun and company lamented about how powerful the enemy was. They sighed and grimaced, all without any ideas. After dinner, they all went back to their respective quarters. As the night dragged on, Deng Kun thought to himself, “Heaven’s favor already belongs to the Zhou. King Zhou is tyrannical and won’t last long. Besides, Flying Tiger is my brother-in-law, and he’s been captured here. What can I do? And Ji Fa is truly virtuous and has the look of a king. He is an ascendant lord. Jiang Ziya is also adept at war, and his followers are all powerful Daoists. How can this pass hold out for long? I might as well go along with heaven’s will and submit to the Zhou. But Rui Ji might not agree. What should I do? Let me tease out his intentions tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, in his own quarters, Rui Ji was drinking and thinking to himself, “Everyone says the Martial King is virtuous. He indeed looks the part. And Jiang Ziya is adept at war and has uncommon followers. The Zhou already controls two-thirds of the realm. How can this pass hold out for long? Why don’t I surrender and hand over this pass, so as spare my soldiers? But what does Deng Kun think? Let me tease out his intentions.”

The next morning, the two generals met up with their comrades. Deng Kun said, “The forces in the pass are meager. Yesterday on the battlefield, Jiang Ziya indeed showed himself to be adept at war, and he has the help of powerful Daoists. The country is in dire straits. What can we do?”

Bian Ji, however, pushed back, saying, “Once the country’s fortunes turn around, heroes will naturally flock to its aid. It’s not about numbers.”

“You may be right, general, but what should we do right this moment?” Deng Kun asked.

“My banner is keeping the enemy at bay,” Bian Ji said. “I don’t think Jiang Ziya is all that.”

Hearing this conversation, Rui Ji thought to himself, “Deng Kun must be thinking about submitting to the Zhou as well.”

The group then drank a few cups and broke up when night fell. Afterward, Rui Ji invited Deng Kun over to his place for more drinks. And as they sat in a private room, they both wanted to say what was on their minds, but neither could quite spurt it out.

Meanwhile, in the Zhou camp, Jiang Ziya was thinking about his next steps when he suddenly thought of an idea. He summoned the earth-traveling specialist Tuxing Sun and whispered some instructions to him. When 7 p.m. rolled around, Tuxing Sun used his powers and snuck into the pass. 

First, he went to the jail where the four captured Zhou warriors were kept. The guards hadn’t gone to sleep yet, so Tuxing Sun decided to check out other places. And he just so happened to go by Rui Ji’s quarters, where he saw Rui Ji and Deng Kun drinking. So he hid in the ground and listened in.

Deng Kun now dismissed the attendants and said to Rui Ji with a chuckle, “Brother, let’s joke around a bit. Do you think the Zhou is ascendant or the Shang? We’re just talking amongst ourselves, so let’s both speak our minds freely. No one else needs to know.”

Rui Ji, however, laughed and said, “Brother, how would I dare to answer that question fully? And yet, if I give you a BS answer, then you’ll laugh at me for being useless.”

Deng Kun laughed and said, “Even though we are of different families, we are as close as brothers. Whatever you say will go directly into my ear and nowhere else. So speak without suspicion.”

Rui Ji agreed and said, “If a man cannot even speak plainly to his confidant about the affairs of the land, then how can he handle the affairs of the land as a hero who recognizes the currents of the times? In my view, you and I may have been commanded to help hold this pass, but we’re just acting against the will of heaven and men. Our king has lost his virtue, and the land is fractured. All the nobles are in rebellion and seeking a sage lord. You don’t need to cast a divination to know where this is going. Besides, Ji Fa’s virtue is known across the land, and Jiang Ziya is a capable minister. And they have so many Daoists helping them. The Zhou grows stronger by the day, while the Shang declines by the day. The Zhou must be the one that inherits the land from the Shang. When we faced them in battle, we could already see that they were of uncommon stock. But you and I have received immense kindness from the Shang, so we can only repay the country with our lives. Since you asked the question, brother, I can only answer honestly.”

Deng Kun smiled and said, “Brother, your words are uncommonly insightful. What a pity that we were born at the wrong time and served the wrong lord. When the Zhou takes over, you and I can only die. I am of no value, but what a pity that you cannot follow the old saying that ‘Good birds choose their perch, and talented officials choose their lord.’ That would allow you to make the most of your talents.”

As he spoke those words, Deng Kun started to sigh in lament. But Rui Ji laughed. “Brother, from what I can tell, you’re thinking about going over to the Zhou, and you’re trying to feel out my intentions. Well, I have long harbored such thoughts as well. Since you intend on joining the Zhou, I shall follow you.”

Deng Kun quickly rose and bowed, saying, “It’s not that I’m disloyal. It’s just that with heaven’s will and men’s hearts being where they are, this will not end well. So why die a pointless death? It’s great that you are also thinking the same thing. But we have no one to introduce us to the Zhou.”

“Let’s think it through and find an opportunity,” Rui Ji said.

Well, while the two were talking, Tuxing Sun heard every word and secretly rejoiced. He thought to himself, “Why don’t I use this opportunity to introduce myself to them? That will make this trip worthwhile.”

So he emerged from the shadows and bowed, saying, “Greetings my lords. If you want to submit to the Martial King, I can introduce  you.”

Deng Kun and Rui Ji were stunned and speechless, but Tuxing Sun introduced himself and told them not to worry. Once they calmed down, they asked him what he was doing there, and he told them, “To tell you the truth, Commander Jiang sent me into the pass to conduct recon. Just now, I was hiding and heard that you two had intentions of joining the Zhou but that you had no way in. So I dared to be so bold as to introduce myself. Pardon me for surprising you. But if you truly intend on joining the Zhou, then I can relay your message. My commander respects men of talent, so he will definitely welcome you.”

Deng Kun and Rui Ji were ecstatic and thanked Tuxing Sun profusely. Deng Kun took Tuxing Sun by the hand and sighed, “It’s because the Martial King is such as sage lord that he has help from talented men like you. Yesterday on the battlefield, we saw how impressive he and Commander Jiang were. We realized that the land will soon belong to the Zhou. That’s why we were discussing submitting. It was our great fortune that you overheard us.”

“Let’s not delay,” Tuxing Sun said. “You can write a letter, and I will deliver it to Commander Jiang. We will wait for you to find the right opportunity to deliver the pass into our hands, and we will provide backup.”

So Deng Kun immediately wrote a letter and gave it to Tuxing Sun, telling him, “Please tell Commander Jiang to devise a scheme to take the pass. When you return, we can discuss further.”

So Tuxing Sun took the letter, and vanished into the earth, leaving the two generals stunned and speechless once again.

It was 5 a.m. when Tuxing Sun returned to the Zhou camp. Jiang Ziya was still in his tent awaiting news when Tuxing Sun suddenly appeared in front of him. 

“I went into the pass as you commanded,” Tuxing Sun reported. “Our officers are still locked up, and unfortunately the guards hadn’t gone to bed, so I couldn’t make my move. But then I went by Deng Kun and Rui Ji’s quarters and heard them discussing surrendering to the Zhou but that they didn’t have a way in. So I showed myself and they were elated. I have their letter here.”

Jiang Ziya read the letter and rejoiced, “This is truly a blessing for the Martial King. Let’s discuss our plan and wait for news.”

When morning came, Deng Kun and Rui Ji assembled the Shang officers in the pass and Deng Kun said, “The two of us came here on the king’s command to hold this pass and repel the enemy. Yesterday’s fight was inconclusive. As top commanders, we cannot let that stand. Let us organize our troops tomorrow and push back the enemy with one fight, so that we can report back to the king.”

The pass commander Ouyang Chun agreed. So the next day, Deng Kun led the army out of the pass and headed toward the Zhou camp to challenge for battle. On the way, they approached the white bone banner again. This time, Deng Kun ordered his men, “Go remove that banner.”

Next to him, the banner’s owner, Bian Ji, was stunned. “My lord, that banner is a priceless treatures,” he pleaded. It’s the only thing holding the enemy at bay. If you remove it, then Lintong Pass would be doomed.”

Rui Ji shot back, “We are high officials from the court, and yet we are forced to take the side road while you, a lieutenant, can take the main thoroughfare. It would most disgraceful if the enemy sees that. No matter how much that banner helps us win, this will not do. That’s why it needs to go.”

Now, just taken at face value, this was a really petty reason to remove the one thing that’s keeping the enemy from overrunning your defenses. But, it’s also not that different from typical petty snobbery common in high court officials sent to the borderlands. So Bian Ji did not suspect treachery at play. He just thought to himself, “If I remove the banner, we might not beat the enemy. But if I don’t, I would be offending my commanding officers. In order to avenge my father, I’ll have to take a step back.”

So he bowed from his saddle and said, “My lords, there’s no need to remove the banner. Let’s go back into the pass briefly, and I’ll make it so you can come and go without worry.”

To see how he will pull that off, tune in to the next episode of the Chinese Lore Podcast. Thanks for listening! 

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